Sunday - We had a good time at Pastor moses's church today. Dave and I decided we would go there instead of traveling with Frank to Amagoro and going to church with Pastor Mike. That is at least a 45 min. trip each way and this was the last day we could spend with Pastor Moses and his wife Judith, also the sign/tee shirt crew.
Leaving Matete monday morning, heading back south. We will go over the equator (9000) and drop down into the Rift valley and than climb back up the mountain on the other side and go to Kilgoris where the Masai Mara game park is.
The photo of Two bob and his family was taken with Dave and I after church. The baby was not real happy to be held by a muzungu, Dave said she would have nightmares that night. |
The photo of the crew is from the left,"Two bob" Benson," Crazy mazungu", Dave johnson "Super fundy" and "Computer" Collins. We had a meal Sunday evening and dedicated everyone with their Kenyan names. I can't imagine who started giving out "special names :)
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