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Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Thanks to all that supported and prayed for Pastor Mike and I during this trip!!!

We were both so blessed with no sickness or accidents. Michael and Frank battled bad roads and some minor breakdowns. And they had to put up with my corny jokes...serves them right as they really had a laugh when I had the 21A room incident!!!!!!!!!
My biggest battle was a taxi driver who is a Kenyan and tells time like one :)

Pastor Moses, Joseph and Andrew did a great job picking up all that I was able to teach them about signage.
I had to think "old school" on making signs, as the cutter that Moses has is a crafting machine. Also, many of the materials that I wanted to use were either not available or only had a possibility of being purchased in Nairobi.
 We did buy sign vinyl, tape and banner material in Nairobi before heading to Matete.

I am praying we can buy a larger machine for Moses to do his signs and T-shirts and let Frank have the smaller craft machine to do T-shirts. (Oh yeah, Frank liked that idea!) Moses had already pre sold and designed 4 banners that we made. Remember, anyone who can decipher what the computer screen shot and letters on the floor photos say gets a gift from Kenya! (see previous post for photos)

Frank can buy material for both him and Moses as he knows where all the sign supply shops are in Nairobi and lives there. Moses has to ride in a matatu van many hours to buy materials, so Frank buying them and shipping them back on a matatu will be a big blessing to him.

Thanks to everyone of you again, I hope you enjoy all the photos!

There are roadside vendor selling live chickens (yes this is true )  The chicken are tied at the feet and are carried three or four together upside down as he is approach cars to sell them. My story: One chicken says to another, "Are you going to hang with me tomorrow?" The other says "I hope so...."

Stan A.K.A. Crazy Muzungu (Gringo loco)

We left Narock Saturday and climbed out of the Rift valley to Nairobi which is on a plateau.
Overlooking the Rift valley where Narock is.

Trying on a sheepskin hat, great for driving a piki piki taxi bike :)

Another laundry spot close to Nairobi

Frank the API diver and his family. Baby Riki was asleep.
These photos are taken outside the park as we head back to Narock.
Girls washing clothes

Cactus!! The park is plains, but the outside approach looks a lot like S.Arizona, dirt roads and all.

Boy herding cattle

Elderly herdsman

I arrived back in the states yesterday evening. Jet lag city today. I have been editing photos with bouts of napping. I am going to post all the better photos that I took at the Massai Mara game park. They were all taken out of the window or from the roof. The camera is a Samsung point and shoot not a

Bargains galore :)  They swamped the vehicle on both sides.

Cheetah and baby. (she had 5 aces, so I knew she was a cheatah)

This was the closest Giraffe that we saw and it is a baby. We saw many very large ones off a distance.

Taking turns rubbing against the tree.

Black Rhino, first one Michael had seen at the park. He has been there 7 or 8 times before.

Sausage tree. The sponges are great for washing with in the shower.

Simon, the most excellent guide!

Maasai ladies resting as we left the park.

big camera.Some will have a little blur as they were taken out of the window while in motion.